Our seniors have several opportunities to gather.
XYZs is a great fellowship ministry, which gathers on the second Thursday of each month during the program year. XYZs stands for eXtra Years of Zest. The group gathers at 1:30pm in the Tower Rooms unless a field trip has been planned. Each month the group shares conversation and fellowship, and hears from a presenter on a particular topic. Past gatherings have included presentations from local musicians, an excursion to Luther Seminary, and a presentation of stunning nature photography.
Each Wednesday at 10 a.m. throughout the year, all ages are invited to Coffee and Conversation – an informal gathering with lively discussions about anything and everything. Treats are provided in the Good Shepherd Lounge.
Our Sew Group meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 10 a.m. to create beautiful quilts that are donated to organizations around the world as well as to our Confirmands each spring. No experience is necessary. Bring a bag lunch or just pop in for a visit.