Inside our Walls
We are an eclectic group of people from many backgrounds. The one thing we all share is our love for God and one another.
There are so many ways to serve within our congregation:
- Every Sunday, we need liturgists, readers, ushers, and money counters.
- During Lent, you can help serve soup suppers to our congregation before worship on Wednesday nights.
- The Sunday School and Youth are always looking for adults willing to help teach and chaperone.
- You can be a part of our “Geek Squad” by running the speakers on Sunday morning.
- Sundays are also a time to serve coffee/treats to the people after the worship service.
- There are a variety of committees and music groups (Bells, Sanctuary Choir, Triple G’s) to be a part of.
- Do you sew? We have quilters and those that make banners for the front of the church.
Interested in one of these or want to see a more complete listing? Please complete our Time and Talents form. With this form, our office will know where you want to serve and will contact the right person to reach out to you.