Worship Times and Descriptions
Worship Times
Our typical Sunday worship is at 9:30 AM.
Moved by God and God’s People
When people meet Jesus or encounter God in the Bible, there are all kinds of feelings and experiences – among them are excitement, confusion, joy, disbelief, hope, celebration, renewal, love, peace, discomfort, yearning, happiness. When people arrive at Grace on Sunday mornings, they might bring with them some of these feelings. Or, while they are here on Sunday mornings hearing God’s Word, offering prayers, or sharing in fellowship, some of these feelings might well up inside them. That’s what happens when people get together and God promises to show up among them. People are moved, transformed, and touched, by each other and by the God who moves through each person there gathered.
Worship Descriptions
The service follows a traditional pattern of Lutheran worship, and includes hymns, prayers, a reading from Scripture, a sermon, sharing of Holy Communion, and so forth. The traditional Lutheran liturgy (the order of service used in many Lutheran churches) embodies variety and presents congregations with options for prayers, styles, and particular rites or blessings within the service. Every congregation inhabits the traditions of the church differently, so while worship at Grace is shaped by the great traditions of the church, it might look and feel slightly different than worship at other Lutheran congregations. Worship usually lasts about an hour.
Lutherans profess a belief in the real presence of Christ in the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Though we believe that God comes to us in many ways, we believe that Jesus comes to us in a particular and special way in the bread and wine of Holy Communion. All who desire to receive the presence of Christ in Holy Communion are welcome to receive the sacrament.
Let the Children Come
Children are welcome to worship. And so is children’s noise. We believe that one of the ways for children to learn how to worship is to be in worship from their earliest of days, giving praise to God through their babbling and their toddling. If any child becomes loud enough to the point of becoming a distraction, caregivers can take the child to the hallway and lounge area just out the rear of the worship area.